COVID-19 and Your Business Continuity Plan
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In light of the evolving progression of the COVID-19 virus, today’s podcast “COVID-19 and Your Business Continuity Plan” discusses what firms should be considering when it comes to their Business Continuity Plan. Are you ready to provide the critical services to your clients if you must close your business during a quarantine? What if 20% of your employees can telecommute, but are sick?
There are no boiler plate approaches to business continuity planning that will work like one designed for your business. So, spend some time soon reviewing your plan. Ask yourself if it will work or not and amend it, as necessary. And if you want to be truly ready, practice it. It is much easier to resolve gaps in a test than during a time of crises, and clients will remember if you are able to serve them well during their time of need.
Oyster professionals have first-hand experience as firm leaders in business continuity management, business continuity plan design, development and implementation, incident/event management, technology infrastructure resilience and recovery, and operations management. Oyster understands how to help identify and prioritize activities and mitigate the impacts of business disruptions. Our solutions are practical and tailored to your firm’s business model.
Oyster provides free resources such as podcasts and blogs, as well a team of consultants and software to help you organize and automate your compliance program. Oyster Consulting has the knowledge and experience to support your efforts to achieve compliance. To receive assistance with the design or implementation of your business continuity plan, please give us a call at (804) 965-5400 and a Relationship Manager will be glad to connect you with an Oyster expert.