Clearing Conversion Support

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Oyster Consulting provides the change management expertise and resources necessary to make any conversion a success.

Our employees have been engaged with so many conversions, the enormity of our experience is difficult to capture. Their experience spans RIA custodial conversions as well as clearing conversion for regional broker-dealers through national, dually-registered firms. We provide the unique competitive advantage that you need to have on your team.

Without the right consulting firm, you can get the wrong clearing or custodian partner.

Don’t Waste An Opportunity

If your contract is more than three years old, the industry has all evolved beyond your contract. Our experts offer a different perspective when reviewing your clearing firm, providing you with additional insight to ensure that your contract structure is up-to-date while taking the most recent trends and regulations into consideration. Failing to do so can inhibit your firm’s growth, especially if out–of-date technology is in place. Business trajectories change, but one thing should stay consistent: aligning your business goals with your contracts.

Why Choose Oyster for Clearing Conversion Support

Our conversion process, knowledge of the marketplace and relationships with the major clearing firms allows us to mitigate the challenges you face. We have faced the same issues and will help you navigate the difficult decisions. Providing support before, during, and after conversion efforts is critical to success, something that our team is well-equipped to manage. We know your employees’ time is fully committed, so we stand ready to backfill tasks during transitions so you can maintain high service levels. Our collaborative team will execute the change and implement ongoing practices to make the conversion process smooth for your firm and your clients.


Download your Clearing Platform Assessment eBook to learn more about the assessment, analysis, vendor selection and conversion processes.


Our Process

Step 01


We listen to your goals and priorities. We foster significant transformation by encouraging a dialogue that goes both ways.

Step 02


We make a plan and schedule to give your team the best financial service industry experience for your project.

Step 03


Oyster ensures regular communication to oversee and strengthen the financial compliance management project objectives while accomplishing project tasks.

Step 04


Oyster offers financial services regulatory compliance support to meet your goals and expectations.