Ed Wegener

Managing Director

Our clients get the best service because we bring over 1000 years of experience across multiple areas and disciplines. 

Ed Wegener serves as Oyster’s Managing Director of Governance, Risk and Compliance. Ed works with financial institution clients to help address complex compliance, regulatory and risk challenges through support, testing and guidance. He is an innovative compliance, risk management and supervisory controls expert with deep understanding of Federal Securities Laws and the rules of self-regulatory organizations, as well as technology optimization and risk mitigation. Prior to joining Oyster, Ed held several posts in FINRA, most recently as  Senior VP and Midwest Regional Director.  While there, he was responsible for the Region’s risk assessment, examination and investigation programs. Ed was a member of the team that developed FINRA’s risk-based examination program and he developed and managed FINRA’s first Digital Asset and Cybersecurity examination programs.


  • Supervisory Systems and Controls Development and Testing
  • Fraud Risk Assessments and Fraud System Development and Testing
  • AML Program Development and Testing
  • Regulatory Relationships and Examination Support
  • Internal Investigations
  • Compliance Technology and Tool Integration, Reg Tech
  • Branch Office Inspections
  • Digital Assets
  • Cybersecurity Program Assessments
  • Business Continuity Program Development and Testing
  • Developed policies and procedures for broker-dealers and investment advisors for compliance with the Department of Labor’s Prohibited Transaction Exemption.
  • Developed testing for compliance with the DOL’s PTE 2020-02 retrospective review requirements.
  • Worked with technology vendors to assist in the development of compliance tools around the SEC’s Regulation Best Interest and the Department of Labor’s PTE 2020-02

Career Highlights

  • Senior VP & Midwest Regional Director, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Chicago
  • Deputy Director, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Chicago
  • Associate Director, Examination Manager, Examiner, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Chicago


  • Reg BI Case Studies: Assessing reasonably Available Alternatives InvestorCom Webinar, April 2024
  • Key 2024 Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives Financial Markets Association Securities Compliance Seminar, April 2024
  • National Society for Compliance Professionals (NSCP) Industry Event, October, 2023
  • DOL Retrospective Review - A Practitioner's Guide to Compliance Investor Com Webinar, June 29, 2023
  • Report on FINRA's Examination and Risk Monitoring Program The Securities Compliance Podcast, May 2, 2023
  • FINRA’s Annual Conference Industry Event, May, 2023
  • 2023: SEC and FINRA's Focus on the Reg BI Care Obligation InvestorCom Webinar, March 9, 2023
  • DOL's Fiduciary and Retrospective Expectations Industry Event, November 1, 2022
  • Best Practices for Digital Communication NSCP National Conference, October, 2022
  • Compliance for Your Distributed Enterprise Global Relay Webinar, June 9, 2022
  • FINRA's 2022 Exam Report and Their Focus on Reg BI InvestorCom Webinar, March 10. 2022
  • Compliance for Your Distributed Enterprise Global Relay Webinar, June 9, 2022
  • Making Sense of Reg BI Today CopyTalk Webinar, June 23, 2022
  • Don't Miss FINRA's 2022 Exam Report and Their Focus on Reg BI InvestorCom Webinar, March 10, 2022
  • Making Compliant Rollover Recommendations Webinar, November 17, 2021
  • NSCP National Conference 2021: The Pandemic and Beyond: Overcoming Compliance Challenges in 2021 NSCP National Conference Webinar, November 9, 2021
  • Webinar: IRAs, Rollovers and DOL Compliance Oyster/Faegre Drinker Webinar, June 8, 2021
  • Know Your Risk, Control Your Risk Oyster Consulting Webinar, February 25, 2021
  • Remote Branch Exams: Expectations, Requirements and Things to Consider Oyster Stew Podcast, January 14, 2021
  • SEC National Broker Dealer Compliance Outreach Program Conference Panelist, 2019
  • Market Development and New Surveillance Techniques conference, São Paulo, Brazil Conference Panelist, 2017