Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Annual Compliance

Get In Touch

Design your program to ensure you operate within the rules, risks, and parameters set for your firm

Oyster Consulting’s experts have the knowledge and resources to objectively review your compliance program, conducting a gap analysis of your policies, procedures, business lines and risks so that you know where to refine your program and prioritize your tasks.

Regulatory Background

Under SEC Rule 206(4)-7, Registered Investment Advisors are required, at least annually, to review their compliance policies and procedures and assess their effectiveness. Oyster provides comprehensive compliance program reviews conducted by consultants who have sat in your seat, facing the same obstacles and regulatory scrutiny. 


The Oyster Difference

Oyster’s compliance experts are former regulators, CCOs and compliance professionals.  We will provide your firm with a written report that includes procedural and process enhancements with an eye towards industry best practices. 

Our operations and compliance experts will collaborate with you, ensuring your program reflects your firm’s capabilities, leverages technology and has effective, streamlined processes. Oyster will review the report with you to ensure you are addressing risk while complying with relevant rules and regulations. 


Download the Outsourced Testing Services eBook to learn about when outsourcing testing makes sense.


RIA Annual Review Services

Annual Review Services provide a gap analysis of policies and procedures and supervisory practices including: 

Books and Records 

Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Recovery

Code of Ethics – Employee Personal Trading

Compliance Program

Review and Gap Analysis of Policies and Procedures

Information Security and Customer Privacy

Marketing and Advertising

Regulatory Filings and Disclosures, including Forms ADV 1 and 2 filings


Supervisory Practices

Our Process

Step 01


We listen to your goals and priorities. We foster significant transformation by encouraging a dialogue that goes both ways.

Step 02


We make a plan and schedule to give your team the best financial service industry experience for your project.

Step 03


Oyster ensures regular communication to oversee and strengthen the financial compliance management project objectives while accomplishing project tasks.

Step 04


Oyster offers financial services regulatory compliance support to meet your goals and expectations.